Wednesday, May 6, 2020

George Orwells Symbolism and Derivation for Nineteen...

George Orwells Symbolism and Derivation for 1984 George Orwells 1984 had a profound effect upon the way people thought during the mid 20th century. The book signified Orwells most complex novel which told the story of Arthur Koestler and the countless others who suffered because of the totalitarian governments in Eastern Europe (Meyers 114). When 1984 was published in 1949, the Cold War had just begun. The novels ending was pessimistic and thus seemed as an attack on communism. The novel was also considered to be the prophecy of what would happen to the West if the communist ideology spread. The idea for writing 1984 also came from an American economist named James Burnham. Burnham predicted that if Germany had won the†¦show more content†¦This department was headed by a man named Brendan Bracken, who was called B.B. ( Gardner 112). Big Brother was one of the many propaganda tools used in 1984. The face of Big Brother is used to promote the ideal man, one who is tall and muscular living in a perfect world. Big Brother r epresents Stalin, Lenin, and Hitler. All three were totalitarian figures who frightened all as the world saw the horror of their powers. Posters of these men were hung all over their countries to give the effect that you could not escape their presence. Hence the term in 1984, Big Brother is Watching. Orwell may have been thinking about figures in certain religious faiths when he drew Big Brother. The mysterious, powerful, God-like figure who sees and knows everything--but never appears in person. The Hate Week Rallies are a reference to Hitlers Nuremberg Rallies, in which the presenters brought the crowd to a hysteria and hatred of Jews. Goldstein being used at these hate speeches represents the conspiracy against the Jews and Stalins hatred toward Trotsky. Both parties were able to brainwash children into believing the ideals the totalitarian parties through the Hitler Youth Squad and Soviet Young Pioneers. (Meyers 121) Winston and Julias attire of the blue overalls represent the appearance of many English civilians, but also the Bolsheviks working attire. The Three Year Plans are similar to Stalins Five Year Plans. (Meyers 122) TheShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagestheory’ How Roethlisberger developed a ‘practical’ organization theory Column 1: The core contributing social sciences Column 2: The techniques for analysis Column 3: The neo-modernist perspective Column 4: Contributions to business and management Four combinations of science, scientific technique and the neo-modernist approach reach different parts of the organization Level 1: Developing the organization Level 2: Managing the human resource 100 100 102 102 103 105 105 106 107 107 108 109

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